New publication: "A BDO Legal Guide to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive"

New publication: "A BDO Legal Guide to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive"

In summer 2024, the European Council adopted the "European Supply Chain Directive" (better known as the CSDDD). The final adoption marked a milestone, after a preliminary agreement on the design of the CSDDD had already been reached in December 2023, although this was followed by numerous amendments.  

The declared aim of the CSDDD is to oblige large European and non-European companies within the EU to comply with certain environmental and human rights standards in their supply and value chains. This is intended to create an awareness of sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour - and to firmly anchor human rights and environmental aspects in corporate policy.  

In the future, companies should - in addition to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act already in force in Germany - take a closer look at the negative effects of their actions. To achieve this, the CSDDD sets out corresponding due diligence obligations. These oblige companies not only to identify actual and potential negative impacts of their activities on human rights and the environment, but ideally to mitigate or even prevent them.  

But what does this actually mean in detail? Which companies are subject to the CSDDD? And what measures do they have to take?  

BDO Global addresses these and many other questions in the recently published "A BDO Legal Guide to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive", which you can find here:

A BDO Legal Guide to the CSDDD