Inheritance Law & Succession Planning

Inheritance Law & Succession Planning

Close, cross-location cooperation with specialist departments and accountants and auditors from BDO ensures comprehensive and competent succession consultancy from a single source.

Managing wealth and corporate succession is a lifetime task, in which we are happy to support you. Our focus is on tax-efficient structuring of family and personal assets prior to a transfer and on accompanying the succession process from planning to implementation.

Our objective is to bring harmonise your individual needs with private and business interests.

Through the expert formulation of a testamentary disposition, we ensure that your will as the testator is implemented reliably that time-consuming and expensive inheritance disputes are avoided.

  • Drafting of wills/inheritance agreements
  • Wills for business owners
  • Execution of the will
  • Formulation of precautionary proxies and living wills
  • Examination of existing regulations and subsequent remedy of testamentary dispositions

We support you in all matters of anticipated succession with the aim of jointly arriving at a succession plan that suits the interests and needs of all parties involved in the succession.

  • Establishment of family companies
  • Design of donation agreements
  • Ensuring the influence of the former owners through solutions such as usufruct, foundations, executorship or establishment of an advisory council
  • Reduction of compulsory portion claims

The gradual transition of the company needs careful planning with the involvement of all stakeholders. We ensure that we the follow-up strategy developed by us is sustainable in the long term and maintains the company's liquidity.

  • Restructuring of parts of, or the entire company, with a view to corporate succession
  • Adaptation of articles of association to reflect testamentary dispositions (succession planning, compensation clauses, etc.)
  • Evaluation of the company
  • Determination of the tax burden in advance of a transfer
  • Management buy-out (MBO)

Country borders are quickly crossed, not only by a change of residence, but also through marriage, adoption or the acquisition of foreign assets. Thanks to our close cooperation with BDO International and our representation in the Centre of Excellence International Private Client Services, we can provide our entire range of services in case of cross-border scenarios.

  • Consulting in questions of international succession and matrimonial regimes
  • Ensuring the validity of testamentary dispositions/marital property regimes in an international context
  • Mandates for foreign companies/offices
  • Legal and tax accompaniment of emigration/immigration
  • Establishment of foreign foundations and trusts

The matrimonial property regime is an integral part of standardised succession planning. Together with you we develop a concept that helps to preserve wealth and avoid disputes in case of divorce or death.

  • Design of marriage contracts and other matrimonial property agreements
  • Transfer of wealth in life
  • Change of the matrimonial property regime
  • Power of attorney for spouses

We advise you in all aspects of establishing a domestic or foreign foundation or a trust.

  • Selecting the right country for establishing the trust/foundation
  • Designing a trust/deed of foundation
  • Transferring assets to the trust/foundation
  • The use of trusts/foundations in corporate succession (company-affiliated foundations/entrepreneurial trust)

Contact us!

Martina Brabender

Martina Brabender

Lawyer, Certified Tax Advisor | Partner | Certified tax law specialist
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