Parwaez Rafiqpoor

Parwäz Rafiqpoor

Lawyer | Managing Director

Corporate/M&A | Restructuring & Insolvency

Executive summary


Parwäz Rafiqpoor is a lawyer and partner at BDO Legal. He is a member of the Restructuring & Insolvency practice group.

His professional focus is on high-quality restructuring and reorganization of complex companies and organizations from a legal and tax perspective. He has a particular focus on the retail & consumer goods, automotive and manufacturing sectors. 

Parwäz Rafiqpoor studied law in Bonn. 

In his free time, he often visits exhibitions with his wife and spends a lot of time with artist friends. His family sports are tennis and hiking in the Alps.


  • Machinery and plant engineering
  • Automotive
  • Retail and consumer goods
  • Food
  • Manufacturing industry
  • Private equity
  • Banking
  • Foundations and non-profit organisations


  • Company acquisitions and sales 
  • Distressed M&A and restructuring
  • Private equity transactions
  • Mergers, divisions and transformations
  • Corporate stabilisation 
  • Restructuring

Additional information

  • Author in Frankfurter Kommentar zur Insolvenzordnung (Frankfurt Commentary on the Insolvency Act)
  • Lecturer at the Paul Verlaine University of Metz in M & A, and restructuring & reorganisation
  • Extensive lecturing activities in the fields of restructuring and insolvency, corporate law and mergers & acquisitions
  • Publications:
  • Jürgen Witte / Parwäz Rafiqpoor: "Die "Beerdigung" des Neuen Marktes - rechtliche Aspekte", in: Betriebs-Berater 2002, p. 2615 ff.
  • Michael Stöber / Parwäz Rafiqpoor: "Die Gestaltung abfindungsbeschränkender Regelungen": in GmbH-Verträgen, GmbHR 2003, p. 872 ff.
  • Jürgen Witte / Parwäz Rafiqpoor: Privatisierung öffentlich-rechtlicher Kreditinstitute in: WM 2003, 1885 ff.
  • Starke / Rafiqpoor: Kartellvorbehalt und Organschaft in: AG 2007, 201 ff.
  • Parwäz Rafiqpoor / Kristof Wilmes: Wechselseitige Erfüllung als insolvenzanfechtungsrechtliche Alternative zur Aufrechnung in: NZI 2009, 91 ff.