Dr. Christian Hampel

Dr. Christian Hampel, Attorney-at-Law New York

Lawyer | Partner

Energy Law

Executive summary


Dr. Christian Hampel is a lawyer and partner at BDO Legal. He heads the Energy Law practice group.

His practice focuses on the advising of energy supply companies, project developers, real estate owners and energy-intensive or public companies. He advises companies and the public sector on the planning and implementation of decentralized generation projects (wind and solar on roofs and open spaces), on the drafting and negotiation of energy supply contracts for electricity (PPAs), gas and district heating.

Christian Hampel studied law in Berlin and New York. He received his doctorate in Berlin on the topic of "The Future of Tariff Customer Supply". 

Before joining BDO Legal, he worked at an energy law institute, as legal counsel for an international energy supplier and in major international law firms in Berlin and Brussels.

In his free time, he enjoys history, sailing (also with his colleagues), going to the stadium and skiing.


  • Machinery and plant engineering
  • Real estate and construction
  • Chemical sector
  • Automotive
  • Production industry
  • Health care industry
  • Food
  • Logistics & maritime industries
  • Banking
  • Energy industry 
  • Public sector


  • Energy regulation
  • Renewable energies act
  • Combined heat and power generation act 
  • Grid fee, grid access regulation
  • Grid connection, grid access and grid operation 
  • Contracting 
  • Funding opportunities for energy costs 
  • Energy trading & energy contract law 
  • Energy industry law 
  • Renewable energies projects 
  • District solutions

Teaching activities

  • European and international energy law - Lecture at  Technische Universität zu Berlin


  • Comment on §§ 21a-c, 27, 60 - 61h EEG 2021, in: Säcker, Berliner Kommentar zum Energierecht, Volume 6, 5th Edition 2021 (to come)
  • Comment on §§ 8-10 EnWG, in Elspass/Graßmann/Rasbach, EnWG, Energiewirtschaftsgesetz Kommentar, Volume 1, 1st Edition 2018 (co-authored with Julia Sack)
  • Herstellung von Wasserstoff nach der EEG-Novelle 2021 - Begrenzung der EEG-, KWKG- und Offshore-Netzumlage nach der Besonderen Ausgleichsregelung, RdE 2021, p. 125 et seq. (co-authored with Sandra Flemming and Christian Ertel)
  • Energieregulierung - Neues aus Gesetzgebung und (Behörden-) Praxis, RdE 2012 et seq. (co-authored with Sandra Flemming et al.)
  • Wann gilt Strom als von einer Person selbst verbraucht?, in: Innovatives Denken zwischen Recht und Markt, Commemorative publication for Hans-Peter Schwintowski, 2017, p. 596 et seq. (co-authored with Sandra Flemming)