New publication: "A BDO Legal Guide to Foreign Direct Investment screening mechanisms in Europe"

Since October 11th 2020, the European Union's Regulation 2019/452 establishing a framework for the screening of foreign direct investments (so-called Screening Regulation) has been in force. 

The regulation was created against the backdrop of a number of investments by non-EU investors in the infrastructure and high-tech sectors of EU member states and the subsequent political debate about being able to monitor these foreign direct investments (FDI) more closely. 

It is important to note in this context that the Screening Regulation has not introduced its own European investment control procedure and does not oblige the member states to apply a control mechanism for foreign direct investment. Rather, it creates a framework for the definition of recommendations and requirements that apply within the individual countries. It also creates standard mechanisms for co-operation between the European Commission and the member states. 

But what kind of foreign direct investment actually has the potential to jeopardise security and public order? And what is the current situation regarding the screening of foreign direct investment in the individual EU member states? 

BDO Global addresses these and other questions in the recently published "A BDO Legal Guide to Foreign Direct Investment screening mechanisms in Europe", which you can find here: 
